Readymade garments product global trade data has found a total of 5 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
0 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of Readymade garments product.
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5 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
621030 | READYMADE GARMENTS NGC ID# 5 011908070 W VALLE VISTA JKT 26 CTNS SAP# NF0A7ZXMN6M1, P O# 420016241500300 551 PCS SAP# NF0A7ZXMN6M1, PO# 420016 241500300 17 PCS HS CODE: 62 1030 26 CTNS 568 PCS INV NO. TSL/TNF-80263052/2022 DATE : DEC.03, 2022 EXP NO . 260 | BD, BANGLADESH | USA | 26 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
621030 | READYMADE GARMENTS NGC ID# 5 011906400 W ALTA VISTA JACKE T 11 CTNS SAP# NF0A7QAR8K21, PO# 420015376100200 119 P CS SAP# NF0A7QAR8K21, PO# 420015376100200 109 PCS 54 CTNS SAP# NF0A7QAREFS1, PO# 420015376100100 1,262 PCS SAP# NF0A7QAREFS1, PO# 4200 1537610 | BD, BANGLADESH | USA | 535 | |||
621030 | READYMADE GARMENTS NGC ID# 5 011905169 W VALLE VISTA JKT 18 CTNS SAP# NF0A7ZXMQV71, PO# 420015381100100 390 PCS 25 CTNS SAP# NF0A7ZXMEFS1, PO# 420016241500100 534 PCS SAP# NF0A7ZXMEFS1, PO# 42001 6241500100 13 PCS 27 CTNS SA P# NF0A7ZXMJK31, PO# 4200162 4 | BD, BANGLADESH | USA | 70 | |||
621030 | READYMADE GARMENTS NGC ID#50 11906399 W ALTA VISTA JACKET 23 CTNS SAP# NF0A7QAREFS1, PO# 420015421800100 458 PCS SAP# NF0A7QAREFS1, PO# 420 015421800100 10 PCS 2 CTNS S AP# NF0A7QARJK31, PO# 420015 423300100 3 PCS HS CODE: 621 030 M ALTA VISTA JACKET 5 CT | BD, BANGLADESH | USA | 38 | |||
621030 | READYMADE GARMENTS NGC ID# 5 011899767 W VALLE VISTA JKT 40 CTNS SAP# NF0A7ZXMJK31, P O# 420009172300100 878 PCS SAP# NF0A7ZXMJK31, PO# 420009 172300100 21 PCS 8 CTNS SAP# NF0A7ZXMLV61, PO# 42000919740 0100 111 PCS SAP# NF0A7ZXM LV61, PO# 420009197400100 | BD, BANGLADESH | USA | 55 |
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