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Readymade garments under 210690 global trade Data

Readymade garments product global trade data has found a total of 9 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 6 Importer shipments are available in the application of Readymade garments product.

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Import Trade data of Readymade garments

9 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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210690 KONTOOR READYMADE GARMENTS (MEN PANT) WOMENS 77% CTN 22% PLY 1% SPX WOVEN W26CYLZ36 M OM CARPENTER COOLS PANT INV OICE#KBAPL/KB/EX-22/10255 DAT ED- 16.11.2022 EXP. NO. 23000 501-082112-2022 DATED- 16.11. 2022 SALES CONTRACT#VF-KBAP L-KEPZ-1-MAY-2 022 DTD lock lock BD, BANGLADESH USA 57 60 More Columns Available
210690 READYMADE GARMENTS. AW 2 P ACK SHORT P.O.NO: 2468 834446 CAT.NO: 647 STYLE: AW14100095 422AH/ BH/CH/DH/ EH/FH/GH/HH INVNO:CAAL-WSI -2304/2022 DT: 24.11.2022 EXP NO:1946-004145-2022 DT : 26.11.2022 S/C NO. AW 2 PACK INTERLOCK SHORT/2022 DATE : 22.05.2022 D lock lock LK, SRI LANKA USA 4384
210690 READYMADE GARMENTS. GE PUL L ON CARGO SHORT P.O.NO: 6119449718 CAT.NO: 347 S TYLE: GE13100110526B/PB IN VNO: CAAL-WSI-22892022 DT: 20.11.2022 EXP NO: 1946-0 04094-2022 DT: 21.11.2022 S/C NO. PULL ON CARGO SHOR T/2022 DATE : 30.06.2022 D AMCO DISTRIBUTION lock lock LK, SRI LANKA USA 916
210690 READYMADE GARMENTS. WN CA RGO JOGGER SHORT P .O.NO: 2 468834412 CAT.NO: 347 STYL E: WN14100096758AH /BH/ CH / DH INVNO:CAAL-WSI-2097/2 022 DT: 19.10.2022 EXP NO: 1946-003728-2022 DT: 19.1 0.2022 S/C NO. WN JOGGER S HORT / 2022 DATE : 03.07.2 022 DAMCO DIS lock lock MX, MEXICO USA 2224
210690 READYMADE GARMENTS STYLE NO: PO NO: CTNS PCS A4530-0002 21 00021256-10 253 3,036 38298- 0024 2100021726-10 250 3,000 A4707-0001 2100021660-10 9 199 A4190-0004 2100021737-10 250 3,000 A5373-0001 210002 2416-10 253 3,036 A4190-0000 2100022438-10 250 3,000 A lock lock PK, PAKISTAN USA 1836

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