Readymade garments product global trade data has found a total of 9 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
1 exporter and 2 Importer shipments are available in the application of Readymade garments product.
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8 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
620449 | READYMADE GARMENTS LADIES WOVEN P/L - LADIES LINEN WOVEN FABRICS.PLASTIC HANGER. HS CODE-62044999, 39269069 | IN, INDIA | USA | 200 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
620449 | READYMADE GARMENTS WOMENS 55% LINEN 45% RAYONWOVEN DRESSES P.O. NO: 14337246 STYLE NO:WS3 1Y010EP,WS31Y0 10ER WS31Y010ES HS CODE: 6 20449 INV NO.EHFL/EXP/515 /22 DT.17/11/22 EXP N O.1629/001061/22 DT. 17/11/22 S/C NO: KOHLS/EHF ABRIC/WS31Y010 DT.10/08/ 22 | LK, SRI LANKA | USA | 2131 | |||
620449 | READYMADE GARMENTS WOMENS 55% LINEN 45% RAYONWOVEN DRESSES P.O. NO: 14337248 STYLE NO:WS3 1Y010EP,WS31Y0 10ER WS31Y010ES HS CODE: 6 20449 INV NO.EHFL/EXP/517 /22 DT.17/11/22 E XP NO .1629/001063/22 DT.17 /11/22 S/C N O:KOHLS/EHFABR IC/WS31Y010 DT.10/08/22 | LK, SRI LANKA | USA | 232 | |||
620449 | READYMADE GARMENTS WOMENS 55% LINEN 45% RAYONWOVEN DRESSES P.O. NO: 14269466 STYLE NO:WS3 1Y010RP,WS31Y0 10RR WS31Y010RS HS CODE: 6 20449 INV NO.EHFL/EXP/510 /22 DT.17/11/22 E XP NO .1629/001056/22 DT.17 /11/22 S/C N O:KOHLS/EHFABR IC/WS31Y010 DT.10/08/22 | LK, SRI LANKA | USA | 6346 | |||
620449 | READYMADE GARMENTS WOMENS 55% LINEN 45% RAYONWOVEN DRESSES P.O. NO: 14337247 STYLE NO:WS3 1Y010EP,WS31Y0 10ER, WS31Y010ES HS CODE: 620449 INV NO.EHFL/EXP/51 6/22 DT.17/11/22 E XP N O.1629/001062/22 DT.1 7/11/22 S/C N O:KOHLS/EHFAB RIC/WS31Y010 DT.10/08/22 | LK, SRI LANKA | USA | 37 |
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