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Global Supplier of Lug

Lug product global trade data has found a total of 342 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 11 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

69 exporter and 46 Importer shipments are available in the application of Lug product.

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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83099090 LUG CAPS 30MM DTO RED CHECK DESIGN (OLD) 53MM (NEW) POP UP lock lock INDIA SriLanka 3662.9 60 More Columns Available
83099090 LUG CAPS 30MM DTO RED CHECK DESIGN (OLD) 53MM (NEW) POP UP lock lock INDIA SriLanka 3662.9
83099090 LUG CAPS SAMPLE lock lock INDIA SriLanka 0.1
870899 PHASE LUG, PM STATOR, 3DU 1X20 FCL PART OF CONTAINER 7 PALLETS - 336 BOXES PHASE LUG, PM STATOR, 3DU 2 PALLETS - 96 BOXES PHASE LUG, IM STATOR, 3DU PO NO 7700001528 HS CODE 87089900 INV.NO SI2330003727 DT 22.12.2022 S/BILL NO 6364751 DT 22.12.2022 NET WT lock lock IN, INDIA USA 432
870899 PHASE LUG 1X40 FCL PART OF CONTAINER 3 PALLETS - 144 BOXES PHASE LUG, PM STATOR, 3DU PO NO 7700001528 HS CODE 87089900 INV.NO SI2330003843 DT 28.12.2022 S/BILL NO 6545254 DT 28.12.2022 NET WT 1710.72 KGS 2ND LEG. SHP2212-2672327 lock lock IN, INDIA USA 144

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