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Lug under 870899 global trade Data

Lug product global trade data has found a total of 9 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 3 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 4 Importer shipments are available in the application of Lug product.

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Import Trade data of Lug

9 Import Shipments found from 3 importing Countries

HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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870899 PHASE LUG, PM STATOR, 3DU 1X20 FCL PART OF CONTAINER 7 PALLETS - 336 BOXES PHASE LUG, PM STATOR, 3DU 2 PALLETS - 96 BOXES PHASE LUG, IM STATOR, 3DU PO NO 7700001528 HS CODE 87089900 INV.NO SI2330003727 DT 22.12.2022 S/BILL NO 6364751 DT 22.12.2022 NET WT lock lock IN, INDIA USA 432 60 More Columns Available
870899 PHASE LUG 1X40 FCL PART OF CONTAINER 3 PALLETS - 144 BOXES PHASE LUG, PM STATOR, 3DU PO NO 7700001528 HS CODE 87089900 INV.NO SI2330003843 DT 28.12.2022 S/BILL NO 6545254 DT 28.12.2022 NET WT 1710.72 KGS 2ND LEG. SHP2212-2672327 lock lock IN, INDIA USA 144
870899 PHASE LUG 1X40 FCL PART OF CONTAINER 12 PALLETS - 576 BOXES PHASE LUG, PM STATOR, 3DU PO NO 7700001528 HS CODE 87089900 INV.NO SI2330003615 DT 15.12.2022 S/BILL NO 6180697 DT 15.12.2022 NET WT 6842.880 KGS 2ND LEG. SHP2211-6204207 lock lock IN, INDIA USA 576
87089900 HAND BAR, CAP,PARTS,LUG,MUD FLAP FOR T.CYCLE lock lock CHINA Bangladesh 0

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