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Total under 950699 global Supplier Data

Total product global trade data has found a total of 11 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 3 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

4 exporter and 3 Importer shipments are available in the application of Total product.

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950699 SPORTING GOODS INVOICE NO.:PL00-22110070 P/O NR: 022522MV TOTAL Q TY: 2022 PC/988 PR / 9 00 CTNS HS CODE: 9506.99 SPORTING GOODS INVOICE NO.:PL00-22110070 P/O NR: 022522MV TOTAL Q TY: 2022 PC/988 PR / 9 00 CTNS HS CODE: 9506.99 lock lock VN, VIET NAM USA 900 60 More Columns Available
950699 SPORTING GOODS INVOICE NO.: PL00-22110010 P/ONR: 021122MV ADD ON/ 021122MV TOTAL Q TY: 1 665 PC/ 676 PR/ 50 SET / 441 CTNS HS CODE: 9506.99 lock lock VN, VIET NAM USA 441
950699 SPORTING GOODS: PROTECTIVE GEARS & SOFTBALLS (PO#362565+362026+366346) E00684796 1050 CTNS E00684796 266 CTNS E00684797 548 CTNS 6030125 30 CTNS E00682270 124 CTNS E00682282 60 CTNS TOTAL 2078 CTNS INV NO: VSI-22277 SHIP TO ADDRESS: RAWLINGS WASHINGTON WA lock lock VN, VIET NAM USA 2078
950699 TOYS - HS CODE: 95069990 PO# 0100630958 0600630958 07006 30958 0800630958 0100630959 0600630959 0700630959 0800 630959 PCS CTNS 708 177 1,012 253 912 228 744 186 752 188 920 230 892 223 812 203 TOTAL 6,752 1,688 (-)SSV EXPORT GARMEN T COMPANY HOANG DIEU I lock lock VN, VIET NAM USA 2149
950699 SPORTING GOODS: PROTECTIVE GEARS & SOFTBALLS (PO#362565+362026+366346) E00684796 1050 CTNS E00684796 266 CTNS E00684797 548 CTNS 6030125 30 CTNS E00682270 124 CTNS E00682282 60 CTNS TOTAL 2078 CTNS INV NO: VSI-22277 SHIP TO ADDRESS: RAWLINGS WASHINGTON WA lock lock VN, VIET NAM USA 2078

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