Ladies product global trade data has found a total of 29 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
0 exporter and 2 Importer shipments are available in the application of Ladies product.
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29 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
940390 | METAL FURNITURE NESOI AUDEN LADIES UNDERWEAR 57COTTON 38MODAL 5SPANDEX KNITTED PO 3003923 TG-22-0317 REFERENCE NO 022 - 3003923 TARGET SEAL NO TGT1409009 DCPI -ITEM NO. 022123787 022123783022123786 022123785 022123784 AUDEN AUDEN | TH, THAILAND | USA | 83 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
940390 | METAL FURNITURE NESOI AUDEN UNWEAR LADIES UNDERWEAR 57 COTTON 38 MODAL 5 SPANDEX KNITTED PO 8967837 TG-22-0314REFERENCE NO 022 - 8967837 TARGET SEAL NO TGT1409010 DCPI -ITEM NO. 022121556 022121998022121560 022122002 022121557 022121999 | TH, THAILAND | USA | 219 | |||
940390 | METAL FURNITURE NESOI AUDEN LADIES UNDERWEAR 57COTTON 38MODAL 5SPANDEX KNITTED PO 9801193 TG-22-0315 REFERENCE NO 022 - 9801193 TARGET SEAL NO TGT1409010 DCPI -ITEM NO. 022124276 022124280022124277 022124279 022124278 AUDEN AUDEN | TH, THAILAND | USA | 166 | |||
940390 | METAL FURNITURE NESOI AUDEN LADIES UNDERWEAR 57COTTON 38MODAL 5SPANDEX KNITTED PO 9406234 TG-22-0318 REFERENCE NO 022 - 9406234 TARGET SEAL NO TGT1409010 DCPI -ITEM NO. 022124276 022124280022124277 022124279 022124278 AUDEN AUDEN | TH, THAILAND | USA | 156 | |||
940390 | METAL FURNITURE NESOI AUDEN LADIES UNDERWEAR 57COTTON 37POLYESTER 6SPANDEX KNITTED PO 3370437 TG-22-0320 REFERENCE NO 022 - 3370437 TARGET SEAL NO TGT1409010 DCPI -ITEM NO. 022123698 022124502022123702 022124506 022123699 022124503 | TH, THAILAND | USA | 166 |
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