90192090000 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 5 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
0 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of 90192090000 Hs Code.
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HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
90192090000 | 15 PCS / AIRCURVE 10 VAUTO APAC TRI 4G / SERIAL NO: 22222239193, 22222239197 - 22222239198, 22222239203, 22222239215,22222239825, 22222239843 - 22222239846, 22222239855, 22222239858 - 22222239861 / RESMED ASIA/PAC LTD. / STOCK CODE: 37481 | AUSTRALIA | Philippines | 2 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
90192090000 | 10 PCS / AIRMINI AUTOSET WITH APAC / SERIAL NO:SERIAL NO: 22222486480, 22222486570, 22222486580, 22222486941, 22222486946,22222486950, 22222486958, 22222486962, 22222487057, 22222487064/ STOCK CODE: 38140 / RESMED ASIA/PAC LTD. | AUSTRALIA | Philippines | 0 | |||
90192090000 | 40 PCS / AIRSENSE 10 AUTOSET APAC TRI C / SERIAL NO: 22221990318, 22221990321 - 22221990322, 22221990600, 22221990627 -22221990628, 22221990633 - 22221990634, 22221997991, 22221997993 - 22221998001,22221998003, 22221998006 - 22221998011, 22221998040, 2222 | AUSTRALIA | Philippines | 0 | |||
90192090000 | 15 PCS / AIRSENSE 10 AUTOSETFH APAC TRI C / SERIAL NO: SERIAL NO: 22221996183, 22221996188, 22221996198 - 22221996201, 22221996204,22221996210 - 22221996211, 22221996803, 22221996807 - 22221996809, 22221996811,22221996815/ STOCK CODE: 37454 / RESMED ASIA/ | AUSTRALIA | Philippines | 0 | |||
90192090000 | 2 PCS / LUMIS 150 VPAP ST-A ANZ TRI 4G / SERIAL NO: SERIAL NO: 22221408093, 22221408286 / RESMED ASIA/PAC LTD. / STOCK CODE: 28226 | AUSTRALIA | Philippines | 0 |
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