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8707109000 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 578 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 6 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
6 exporter and 63 Importer shipments are available in the application of 8707109000 Hs Code.
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549 Import Shipments found from 6 importing Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
8707109000 | 1. BODY ASSEMBLY (SWW5K461F F943 COLOR) № NLHBN81JBPZ236362, NLHBN81JBPZ236264 | TURKEY | Kazakhstan | 2 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
8707109000 | 1. BODY (13-PIECE, YEAR OF MANUFACTURE 1987-1992 USED) | GERMANY | Kazakhstan | 13 | |||
8707109000 | 1. BODY ASSEMBLY (SWW5K461F F940 BASE) № NLHBN81JBPZ230654, NLHBN81JBPZ235916, NLHBN81JBPZ214548 | TURKEY | Kazakhstan | 3 | |||
8707109000 | 1. BODY ASSEMBLY (DVS42G61F G887) NO. KMHL3416BPA284229, KMHL3416BPA284306, KMHL3416BPA284310, KMHL3416BPA284304, KMHL3416BPA286189, KMHL3416BPA284312, KMHL3416BPA284332, KMHL3416BPA284236 , KMHL3416BPA286187, KMHL3416BPA284402, KMHL3416BPA286190, KMHL341 6BPA285153, KMHL3416BPA284375, KMHL3416BPA284303, KMHL3416BPA284377, KMHL3416BPA284258, KMHL3416BPA286184 , KMHL3416BPA284282, KMHL3416BPA284364, KMHL3416BPA284450 | SOUTH KOREA | Kazakhstan | 20 | |||
8707109000 | 1. BODY ASSEMBLY (DVS42G61F G887)_SAW NO. KMHL3416BPA284526, KMHL3416BPA284561, KMHL3416BPA284548, KMHL3416BPA284558, KMHL3416BPA284565, KMHL3416BPA284563, KMHL3416BPA284556, KMHL3416BPA284545, KMHL3416BPA284559, KMHL3416BPA284530, KMHL3416BPA284537, KMHL3416BPA284535, KMHL3416BPA284543, KMHL3416BPA284546, KMHL3416BPA284552, KMHL3416BPA284524 | SOUTH KOREA | Kazakhstan | 16 |
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