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860719 Trade Data from germany

860719 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 773 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 15 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

7 exporter and 170 Importer shipments are available in the application of 860719 Hs Code.

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Export Trade data of Hs Code 860719

30 Export Shipments found from 1 Exporting Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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8607191000 90017355 RAD Ø350420X100130.90006422 COUPLONOM 1 ”LONG SHAFT, 90003284 PRESSURE SPRING, 90002428 MOTHER SIXKANT M52*1.5 WN171 DIN936,90017356 WHEEL“ TML ORIENT OR UCCA 80X80107 , 80040781 BOLZEN, 99000988 AKS 80X80X920.899 lock lock Turkey GERMANY 336 60 More Columns Available
8607191000 90017355 RAD Ø350420X100130.90006422 COUPLONOM 1 ”LONG SHAFT, 90003284 PRESSURE SPRING, 90002428 MOTHER SIXKANT M52*1.5 WN171 DIN936,90017356 WHEEL“ TML ORIENT OR UCCA 80X80107 , 80040781 BOLZEN, 99000988 AKS 80X80X920.899 lock lock Turkey GERMANY 336
8607191000 90003266 RUBBER SEAL 738 90 ° SHORE , 70001026 SPRING , 90009092 AKS 110X110X1110 , 90017355 RAD Ø350420X100130 , 80043970 KUPPLUNGSSYSTEM WİLLİSON 1 , 82751719 ROHR RO Ø76.1X12550 NUT Ø70386 lock lock Turkey GERMANY 146
8607191000 90003266 RUBBER SEAL 738 90 ° SHORE , 70001026 SPRING , 90009092 AKS 110X110X1110 , 90017355 RAD Ø350420X100130 , 80043970 KUPPLUNGSSYSTEM WİLLİSON 1 , 82751719 ROHR RO Ø76.1X12550 NUT Ø70386 lock lock Turkey GERMANY 146
8607199000 LINK (RING MENOT) LABYRINTHRING (BOJI PART) lock lock Turkey GERMANY 7587

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