85395290 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 963 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 4 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
111 exporter and 161 Importer shipments are available in the application of 85395290 Hs Code.
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HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
85395290000 | 42,672 PCS. LED BULB 14.5W E27 6500K 230VA67 1CT/6APR; TFORCE CORE HB MV ND 30W E27 865 G3; ESS LED BULB 3W E27 6500K 230V P45 PH; ESS LED BULB 9W E27 3000K 230V 1CT/12 PH, (LED LAMPS) ""PHILIPS BRAND""" | CHINA | Philippines | 5232 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
85395290000 | 9,008 PCS. LED BULB 14.5W E27 3000K 230VA67 1CT/6APR; ESS LED MR16 3-35W 36D 830 SO 100-20V; TFORCE CORE HB MV ND 35W E27 865 G3; ESSENTIAL LED 4.6-50W GU10 830 36D; ESSENTIAL LED 4.6-50W GU10 827 36D; LED BULB 19W E27 6500K 230VA80 1CT/6APR; TFORCE CORE | CHINA | Philippines | 0 | |||
85395290000 | 12.00 PC IKEA TRADFRI N2 REMOTE CONTROL KIT GU10 SMART DIM WS AP | CHINA | Philippines | 0 | |||
85395290000 | ALPHALUX L-BL-0520 T180 105W DL LED BULB E40 | CHINA | Philippines | 52 | |||
85395290000 | ALPHALUX/WML-BL-0840 5W DL 6500K LED BULB A50 | CHINA | Philippines | 50 |
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