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853890 Trade Data from australia

853890 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 58522 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 30 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

5 exporter and 4850 Importer shipments are available in the application of 853890 Hs Code.

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Export Trade data of Hs Code 853890

49 Export Shipments found from 4 Exporting Countries

HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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85389012 HRB72114_BLK#&HRB72114_BLK: FASCIA 4025AX - HB - POWER OUTLET SWITCH COVER ASSEMBLY - BRAND: CLIPSAL - CURRENT: NOT MORE THAN 1000V - 100% BRAND NEW#&EN lock lock Vietnam AUSTRALIA 100 60 More Columns Available
85389012 SNZ00160#&SNZ00160: 56SO540/50 56 SKT S/ASSY 540 500V 5P 40A - ELECTRICAL SOCKET CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY - BRAND: CLIPSAL - CURRENT: 40A - 100% BRAND NEW#&EN lock lock Vietnam AUSTRALIA 35
85389012 SNZ00158#&SNZ00158: 56SO450/50 56 SKT S/ASSY 450 500V 4P 50A - ELECTRICAL SOCKET CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY - BRAND: CLIPSAL - CURRENT: 50A - 100% BRAND NEW#&EN lock lock Vietnam AUSTRALIA 105
85389012 SNZ00159#&SNZ00159: 56SO532/50 56 SKT S/ASSY 532 500V 5P 32A - ELECTRICAL SOCKET CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY - BRAND: CLIPSAL - CURRENT: 32A - 100% BRAND NEW#&EN lock lock Vietnam AUSTRALIA 455
85389012 SNZ00161#&SNZ00161: 56SO550/50 56 SKT S/ASSY 550 500V 5P 50A - POWER SOCKET BASE ASSEMBLY - BRAND: CLIPSAL - CURRENT: NOT MORE THAN 1000V - 100% BRAND NEW#&EN lock lock Vietnam AUSTRALIA 140

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