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Total under 853400 global Supplier Data

Total product global trade data has found a total of 6 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 2 Importer shipments are available in the application of Total product.

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853400 BARE PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS TRADE MARK KCE SAID TO CONTAIN (6 PALLETS) HTS CODE 85340030-000 KGM INVOICE# 14221419 INVOICE# 14221600 INVOICE# 14221601 INVOICE# 14221602 INVOICE# 14221605 NW 1,041.91 KGS GW 1,186.39 KGS TOTAL 86 CARTONS TOTAL 6 PALLETS SCA lock lock TH, THAILAND USA 86 60 More Columns Available
853400 BARE PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS TRADE MARK KCE HTS CODE 85340030-000 KGM INVOICE# 14221416 INVOICE# 14221417 INVOICE# 14221420 INVOICE# 14221468 INVOICE# 14221559 INVOICE# 14221560 INVOICE# 14221561 INVOICE# 14221599 NW 1,227.59 KGS TOTAL 91 CARTONS TOTAL 8 P lock lock TH, THAILAND USA 91
853400 IN 6 PALLETS BARE PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS TR ADE MARK KCE HTS CODE 85340030-000/KGM I NVOICE# 14221607 NW 1,497.93 KGS GW 1,7 02.33 KGS TOTAL 167 CARTONS ( DIM 31 X 42X 16 CM ) TOTAL 6 PALLETS ( DIM 110 X 88 X 87 CM ) lock lock TH, THAILAND USA 167
853400 IN 3 PALLETS BARE PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS TR ADE MARK KCE HTS CODE 85340030-000/KGM I NVOICE# 14221570 NW 779.87 KGS GW 882.4 9 KGS TOTAL 84 CARTONS ( DIM 31 X 42X 16 C M ) TOTAL 3 PALLETS ( DIM 110 X 88 X 8 7 CM ) lock lock TH, THAILAND USA 84
853400 IN 3 PALLETS BARE PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS TR ADE MARK KCE HTS CODE 85340030-000/KGM I NVOICE# 14221606 NW 686.54 KGS GW 782.3 1 KGS TOTAL 75 CARTONS ( DIM 31 X 42X 16 C M ) TOTAL 3 PALLETS ( DIM 110 X 88 X 8 7 CM ) lock lock TH, THAILAND USA 75

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