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Global Suppliers Data of 85322200

85322200 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 1158 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 6 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

53 exporter and 41 Importer shipments are available in the application of 85322200 Hs Code.

HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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85322200 FIX.ED CAPACITOR, ALUMINUM CAPACITOR, 680UF 20% 35V 1.4A -40TO+105C WT 5000HR 12.5X25MM 5MM, 100% BRAND NEW, TYPE 0CE6877J638 lock lock KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Vietnam 16000 60 More Columns Available
85322200 FIX.ED CAPACITOR, ALUMINUM CAPACITOR, 220UF -20TO20% 50V 3.6A -55TO+105C AHV 3000HR 10X12.5MM, 100% BRAND NEW, TYPE EAE65082101 lock lock KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Vietnam 2400
85322200 FIX.ED CAPACITOR, ALUMINUM CAPACITOR, 000033F 20% 500V 188MA -25TO+105C RD 2000HR 18X20MM 7.5MM, 100% BRAND NEW, TYPE EAE66061601 lock lock KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Vietnam 1000
85322200 FIX.ED CAPACITOR, ALUMINUM CAPACITOR, 120UF -20TO20% 500V 1.04A -25TO+105C AI-CAP 5000HR 30X25MM, 100% BRAND NEW, TYPE EAE66291601 lock lock KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Vietnam 2000
85322200 FIX.ED CAPACITOR, ALUMINUM CAPACITOR, HW 500V 330 UF 35*40, 100% BRAND NEW, TYPE EAE64021602 lock lock KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Vietnam 950

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