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Global Suppliers Data of 85176299

85176299 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 6819 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 5 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

149 exporter and 3 Importer shipments are available in the application of 85176299 Hs Code.

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85176299 P28.1#&SWITCHING DEVICE S9500-30XS (S9500-30XS-PN0, AC 100~240V, 50~60HZ),(OPERATING VOLTAGE: -36 ~ -75V/ 16~8A), TEMPORARILY IMPORTED ACCORDING TO ACCOUNT 305243507240/E42 DECEMBER 26, 2022, ITEM 1 lock lock NULL Vietnam 1 60 More Columns Available
85176299 P34.83#&WIRELESS NETWORK CARD F57504-P425L (BCM957504-P425L) (NETWORK SPEED: 200GB/S; POWER: 12V; 50-60HZ), TEMPORARILY IMPORTED ACCORDING TO ACCOUNT 305162359410/E42 DATED 18/11/2022, ITEM 15 lock lock NULL Vietnam 490
85176299 P86.71#&SWITCHING EQUIPMENT (WITHOUT TOP COVER) 84-1002806-05, VOLTAGE 12V, CAPACITY 600W, TEMPORARILY IMPORTED ACCORDING TO ACCOUNT 304929440010/E42 DATED 03/08/2022, ITEM 1 lock lock NULL Vietnam 2
85176299 P10.939#&SWITCHING EQUIPMENT S9700-53DX (S9700-53DX-JB4), VOLTAGE 12V, CAPACITY 1300W, TEMPORARILY IMPORTED ACCORDING TO ACCOUNT 305126551240/E42 DATED 2/11/2022, ITEM 1 lock lock NULL Vietnam 1
85176299 P96.24#&SWITCHING EQUIPMENT (WITHOUT TOP COVER) 60-1003926-16, VOLTAGE 48V, CAPACITY 350W, TEMPORARILY IMPORTED ACCORDING TO ACCOUNT 304905304120/E42 DATED 23/07/2022, ITEM 9 lock lock NULL Vietnam 8

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