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Total under 851671 global Supplier Data

Total product global trade data has found a total of 15 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 2 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

3 exporter and 2 Importer shipments are available in the application of Total product.

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851671 5X40HQ TOTAL: 9240 CARTONS PO:4500277899 COFFEE MAKER STO#4800369532 (HTS CODE: 8516 7100) LOT ID 2311BT0002 2311BT0003 2311BT0004 2311BT0005 2311BT0006 lock lock SG, SINGAPORE USA 9240 60 More Columns Available
851671 COFFEE MAKER COFFEE MAKER 2X40HQ TOTAL:3798 CARTONS PO:4500277719 COFFEE MAKER STO#4800368501 (HTS CODE: 8516 7100) PO:4500281265 COFFEE MAKER STO#4800371919 (HTS CODE: 8516 7100) LOT ID: 2304BT0001 2328BT0004 NOTIFY 3 SHIP TO: KEURIG GREEN MOUNTAIN 26875 lock lock SG, SINGAPORE USA 3798
851671 COFFEE MAKER 1 X 40 HQ ONLY TOTAL 1848 CARTONS PO 4500277645 COFFEE MAKER STO#4800367261 (HTS CODE 8516 7100) LOT ID 2297BT0003 SCAC BANQ(AMS) HBL SIN3957689 lock lock SG, SINGAPORE USA 1848
851671 COFFEE MAKER COFFEE MAKER 2X 40 HQ ONLY. TOTAL 3696 CARTONS COFFEE MAKER PO 4500267054 STO# 4800353806 HS CODE 8516 7100 COFFEE MAKER PO 4500269122 STO# 4800357500 HS CODE 8516 7100 LOT ID 2201BT0066 2227BT0001 SCAC BANQ(AMS) HBL SIN3951594 lock lock SG, SINGAPORE USA 3696

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