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84798900 Trade Data from congo

84798900 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 1286 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 10 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

2 exporter and 514 Importer shipments are available in the application of 84798900 Hs Code.

Export Trade data of Hs Code 84798900

6 Export Shipments found from 2 Exporting Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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8479890000 PKOFF, RS MG SL 110 KSI MYS_X000D_ORDER: 4512057432 DELIVERY: 820788503_X000D_PACKOFF RS 4.250 IN SEAL BORE 2.625 IN_X000D_SLICK STINGER OD BCS-A098 BH CWI_X000D_PAINT/PROT COAT YFG REQ BAKER Q3 QUAL_X000D_LVL E C C N : EAR99 LICENSE TYPE: NLR_X000D_SERIAL NO. lock lock Ghana CONGO 1 60 More Columns Available
8479890000 SET DOG SUB, ROTG 3.5"" NC38 110 KSI MYS_X000D_ORDER: 4512057432 DELIVERY: 820788503_X000D_SETTING DOG SUB ROTATING 3.500 IN NC-38_X000D_(3-1/2 IF) BOX UP 3.500 IN NC-38 (3-1/2_X000D_IF) PIN DOWN 5.125 IN OD 2.000 IN ID_X000D_5.250 IN EXT ID F/5.000 IN LINER O lock lock Ghana CONGO 1
8479890000 PKOFF, SWBCP 2.3"" EU_X000D_ORDER: 4512057432 DELIVERY: 820788503_X000D_5"" PACKOFF SWAB CUP 2.375 IN EU 8RD BOX_X000D_UP 2.375 IN EU 8RD PIN DOWN HVY DTY_X000D_05.000 IN 18.0 LB/FT CSG BCS-A098 BH_X000D_CWI PAINT/PROT COAT YFG REQ BAKER Q3_X000D_QUAL LVL E C lock lock Ghana CONGO 1
8479890000 OBS S/S H265420003RT ECN N467-11 _X000D_ORDER: 4512121908 DELIVERY: 820786414_X000D_SETTING DOG SUB ROTATING NC-50 (4-1/2_X000D_IF) BOX UP NC-50 (4-1/2 IF) PIN DOWN_X000D_7.000 IN OD 3.250 IN ID 7.375-7.750 IN_X000D_EXT ID F/7.000 IN LINER OD 44,000 LBS_X000D_ lock lock Ghana CONGO 1
8479890000 SLKSTG PKOFF, RS 2.3"" EU 2.6""OD 17'LG_X000D_ORDER: 4512057432 DELIVERY: 820788503_X000D_2.6"" SLICK STINGER PACKOFF RS 2.375 IN_X000D_EU 8RD PIN UP 2.375 IN NU 10RD PIN DOWN_X000D_2.625 IN OD 2.000 IN ID 17.00 FT LG_X000D_BCS-A098 BH CWI PAINT/PROT COAT YFG lock lock Ghana CONGO 1

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