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Tower under 84714900 global trade Data

Tower product global trade data has found a total of 15 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 2 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

3 exporter and 4 Importer shipments are available in the application of Tower product.

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Export Trade data of Tower

5 Export Shipments found from 1 Exporting Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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8471490090 PREC陌S陌ON 5820 TOWER XCTO BASE lock lock Turkey IRAQ 6 60 More Columns Available
8471490090 LENOVO V50T 11QE003HTX 陌710700 16GB 512GB DOS RX550X 4GB TOWER , 260W , RADEON RX550X 4GB , DVDRW (SN: 11QE003HTX PC2E0Y03) 脺R脺NLER 脟陌N MEN艦E陌L陌D陌R. lock lock Turkey CYPRUS 1
8471490090 LENOVO V50T 11QE003HTX İ710700 16GB 512GB DOS RX550X 4GB TOWER , 260W , RADEON RX550X 4GB , DVDRW (SN: 11QE003HTX PC2EXZR) ÜRÜNLER ÇİN MENŞEİLİDİR. lock lock Turkey CYPRUS 1
8471490090 PREC陌S陌ON 3630 TOWER , VOSTRO ADP MACHINE , OPTIPLEX 5080 , OPTIPLEX 3060 , PRECISION 3630 , OPT陌PLEX 7080 , OPT陌PLEX 5070 , OPTIPLEX 7090 , OPTIPLEX 3080 , OPTIPLEX 5090 lock lock Turkey NETHERLANDS 11
8471490090 PREC陌S陌ON 3630 TOWER , VOSTRO ADP MACHINE , OPTIPLEX 5080 , OPTIPLEX 3060 , PRECISION 3630 , OPT陌PLEX 7080 , OPT陌PLEX 5070 , OPTIPLEX 7090 , OPTIPLEX 3080 , OPTIPLEX 5090 lock lock Turkey NETHERLANDS 11

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