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Ladies under 844120 global trade Data

Ladies product global trade data has found a total of 8 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of Ladies product.

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Import Trade data of Ladies

8 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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844120 LADIES BAGS PO# 7461903 D PCI NO#024060783 EXPORT REFER ENCE: PO#7461903 DEPTNO:024 CONT./TARGETSEAL BSIU973179 1/TGT1420913 MRSU4321290/TGT1 421697 MRKU2248432/TGT1421671 TLLU5888483/TGT1420941 MSK U9897883/TGT1420909 MSKU09479 41/TGT1420910 CAAU6434615 lock lock KH, CAMBODIA USA 17659 60 More Columns Available
844120 LADIES BAGS PO# 5025552 D PCI NO#024002795 EXPORT REFER ENCE: PO#5025552 DEPTNO:024 CONT./TARGETSEAL MRKU574247 5/TGT1420920 MRKU5132575/TGT1 421694 MRSU4321290/TGT1421697 FCA SHIPMENT, THC AND B/L F EE COLLECT LADIES BAGS PO# 5025552 DPCI NO#024009947 LA lock lock KH, CAMBODIA USA 2898
844120 LADIES BAGS PO# 7613642 D PCI NO#024001210 EXPORT REFER ENCE: PO#7613642 DEPTNO:024 CONT./TARGETSEAL SUDU689304 4/TGT1420914 TCNU8565550/TGT1 421700 MRSU3946493/TGT1421695 MRKU5742475/TGT1420920 FCA SHIPMENT, THC AND B/L FEE CO LLECT LADIES BAGS PO# 761 3 lock lock KH, CAMBODIA USA 4563
844120 LADIES PU TOTE BAGS lock lock CN, CHINA USA 798

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