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Handicrafts under 830630 global trade Data

Handicrafts product global trade data has found a total of 4 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of Handicrafts product.

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Import Trade data of Handicrafts

4 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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830630 GLASS ARTWARSE/HANDICRAFTS, S.STTEL,MDF & ALUMINIUM DPCI074-15-0398,074-15-6200 DEPARTMENT 74 QTY 9330 PO NO. 7994393 STYLE NO. INV.NO. 9230001965 INV. DT. 08.12.2022 S/B NO. 6126688 S/B DT. 13.12.2022 L/C NO. FREIGHT COLLECT PCIN 22PCEG1215437962300 HS C lock lock IN, INDIA USA 1555 60 More Columns Available
830630 PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER: 7561901 GLASS ARTWARSE/HANDICRAFTS, S.STEEL,MDF ALUMINIUM DPCI 074-15-0398,074-15-6200 DEPARTMENT: 74 QTY : 4530 PO NO. : 7561901 STYLE NO. : INV.NO. : 9230002100,9230002107 INV. DT. : 16.12.2022,17.12.2022 S/B NO. : 6249425,6250674 lock lock IN, INDIA USA 755
830630 GLASS ARTWARSE/HANDICRAFTS, S.STEEL,MDF ALUMINIUM DPCI 074-15-6200 DEPARTMENT: 74 PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER: 8147661 QTY : 9948 PO NO. : 8147661 STYLE NO. : INV.NO. : 9230001802 INV. DT. : 02.12.2022 S/B NO. : 5914003 S/B DT. : 03.12.2022 L/C NO. : FREIGHT CO lock lock IN, INDIA USA 1658
830630 IRON ARTWARSE/HANDICRAFTS, S.STEEL,ALUMINIUM,MDF & GLASS DPCI074-15-0398 DEPARTMENT 74 QTY 840 PO NO. 6884289 STYLE NO. INV.NO. 9230001793 INV. DT. 29.11.2022 S/B NO. 5825489 S/B DT. 30.11.2022 L/C NO. FREIGHT COLLECT HTS CODE 8306.30.0000 PCIN NUMBER 22P lock lock IN, INDIA USA 140

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