Iron handicraft product global trade data has found a total of 4 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
0 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of Iron handicraft product.
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4 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
830629 | 1585 CARTONS = 3373 PIECES OF IRON HANDICRAFT GW: 4640.95 NW: 2721.18 PO #: 300023406 4 4000234064 5000234064 HS CODE: 83062990 73239990 EMU BIRD DECOR MEDIUM EMU BIRD D ECOR LARGE CAT DECOR ROOSTER DECOR TOUCAN BIRD DECOR OW L FAMILY DECOR ANT PLANTER B | ID, INDONESIA | USA | 1585 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
830629 | 1593 CARTONS = 3394 PIECES OF IRON HANDICRAFT GW: 4647.05 NW: 2706.41 PO #: 500023406 4 6000234064 7000234064 HS CODE: 83062990 73239990 ROO STER DECOR LADYBUG WATERING C AN BEE WATERING CAN 30IN MET AL CENTIPEDE DECOR 8H FROG DE COR FLAMINGO DECOR EMU BI | ID, INDONESIA | USA | 1593 | |||
830629 | 1609 CARTONS = 3438 PIECES OF IRON HANDICRAFT GW: 4733.05 NW: 2697.56 PO #: 100023406 4 2000234064 3000234064 HS CODE: 83062990 73239990 30I N METAL CENTIPEDE DECOR 8H FR OG DECOR FLAMINGO DECOR EMU BIRD DECOR SMALL EMU BIRD DEC OR MEDIUM EMU BIRD DECOR L | ID, INDONESIA | USA | 1609 | |||
830629 | 830629 (HS) 1392 CARTONS ARTISTICS HANDICRAFT OF ALUMINIUM ARTWARES AND IRON ARTWARES INV 0074 E,F /22-23 DT. 17.10.2022 IEC :- 2916900420 PO NO :- 5000240648,6000240648 HS CODE :-830629 TOTAL PKGS 1392 PK FREIGHT COLLECT | IN, INDIA | USA | 1392 |
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