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8209002000 Trade Data from russian-federation

8209002000 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 2055 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 3 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

12 exporter and 73 Importer shipments are available in the application of 8209002000 Hs Code.

Export Trade data of Hs Code 8209002000

118 Export Shipments found from 1 Exporting Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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8209002000 SOEX 09040821 BK8430 , TXR 161702 CWX500 , TXR 162302 CWX500 , WOEX 10050413 BK79 , WOEX 08040413 BK79 , SOGX 04020432 BK8425 lock lock Turkey RUSSIAN FEDERATION 190 60 More Columns Available
8209002000 DIAMOND END VBMT 16 04 04MF 1105 , DIAMOND END VBMT 11 03 02MF 1105 , DIAMOND END CCMT 06 02 04MM 1105 , DIAMOND END DCMT 07 02 02MF 1125 , DIAMOND CCGT 06 02 01UM 1115 , DIAMOND END CCGT 06 02 02UM 1115 , DIAMOND END R166.0L11MM01100 1020 , DIAMOND ECT 266RG16MM01A100M 1125 lock lock Turkey RUSSIAN FEDERATION 330
8209002000 DIAMOND END N123T301500000GS 1125 , DIAMOND END VNMG 16 04PF 4415 , DIAMOND CCMT 09 T3 04MF 2015 , DIAMOND END DCMT 11 T3 04MF 2015 , DIAMOND END 266LG16MM01A100M 1125 , ELMAS EDIC R166.0L11MM01125 1020 , DIAMOND END N123G203000004GF 1125 lock lock Turkey RUSSIAN FEDERATION 80
8209002000 XDKT 150508ERF40 CTC5240 , DNMG 150604ENFMS CTP25 , GX243R2.00NM3 CTCP325 , XCNT 170508EN CTPP430 , GX244E6.00N0.50M40 CTP1340 , GX243E4.00N0.30M1 CTP1340 , VCGT 110304ENSF CTC2135 , GX242E3.00N0.30 CTPP345 lock lock Turkey RUSSIAN FEDERATION 1722
8209002000 SOEX 060306SN01 BK8425 , SOEX 07T308SN01 BK8425 , SOEX 090408SN01 BK8425 , SOEX 120508SN01 BK8425 , TOGX 090204EN14 BK60 , WOEX 12060813 BK8425 , WOEX 120608SN01 BK8425 lock lock Turkey RUSSIAN FEDERATION 340

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