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Global Suppliers Data of 820780

820780 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 708 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 4 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

76 exporter and 2 Importer shipments are available in the application of 820780 Hs Code.

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820780 TOTAL 17246PCS=13414CTNS BOYS JACKET - 63% POLYESTER, 33% RAYON, 4% SPAND EX WOVEN STYLE NO. PO.NO. 360105-404-PC 4500522683 36 0105-404-PC 4500522683 36010 5-404-PC 4500522683 360108-4 04-PC 4500522683 BOYS JACKET S WOVEN: 74% POLYESTER 20% RAY ON 6 % SP lock lock KH, CAMBODIA USA 13414 60 More Columns Available
820780 TOTAL 9802PCS=9802CTNS BOYS JACKET: 64% POLYESTER/30% RAYON/6% SPANDEX : WOVEN STYLE NO. 36Z8 21147-040-PC 4500520885 BOY S WOVEN JACKET : 74% POLYESTER 20% RAYON 6% SPANDEX 36Z8 J0017-001-PC 4500520885 36Z 8J0019-411-PC 4500520885 36 Z4J0019-411-PC 45005 lock lock KH, CAMBODIA USA 9802
820780 TOTAL 49734PCS=3252CTNS BOYS PANT: 63 POLYESTER 33 RAYON 4 SPANDEX: WOVEN STYLE NO. PO.NO. 361009K-001-PC 4500520588 361009K-001-PC 4500520588 361048-001-PC 4500520588 361048-001-PC 4500520588 361049-001-PC 4500520588 361049-001-PC 4500520588 361049-001-P lock lock KH, CAMBODIA USA 3252
820780 008K-001-PC 4500520484 361008 K-001-PC 4500520484 361047R-0 01-PC 4500520484 361047R-001- PC 4500520484 360105-404-PC 4 500520492 360105-404-PC 4500 520492 360105-404-PC 45005204 92 360108-404-PC 4500520492 360108-404-PC 4500520492 3601 08-404-PC 45005204 lock lock KH, CAMBODIA USA 22335

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