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Global Suppliers Data of 70181090

70181090 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 120 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 3 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

10 exporter and 2 Importer shipments are available in the application of 70181090 Hs Code.

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70181090 MA-.5666080#&CRYSTAL - A 4301 MM8.0X6.0 LIGHT AZORE IGNITE - SIZE 7.90 X 3.45 MM; 100% BRAND NEW, JEWELRY NLSX (M.5666080) lock lock AUSTRIA Vietnam 360 60 More Columns Available
70181090 MA-.5666062#&CRYSTAL - A 4201 MM10.0X5.0 AQUA IGNITE - SIZE 9.80 X 3.60 MM; 100% BRAND NEW, JEWELRY NLSX (M.5666062) lock lock AUSTRIA Vietnam 360
70181090 MA-.5666081#&CRYSTAL - A 4301 MM8.0X6.0 LIGHT TURQUISE IGNITE - SIZE 7.90 X 3.45 MM; 100% BRAND NEW, JEWELRY NLSX (M.5666081) lock lock AUSTRIA Vietnam 180
70181090 MA-.5662319#&CRYSTAL (1 PIECE = 105,506 MG) - A 4228 80X40 PERI IGNIT - SIZE : 7.75 X 3.95 MM, 100% BRAND NEW, JEWELRY NLSX (M.5662319) lock lock AUSTRIA Vietnam 720
70181090 MA-.1164781#&CRYSTAL (1 PIECE = 0.716G) - A 1088 SS 39 LROS F-SIZE: 8.25X5.1MM, 100% BRAND NEW, NLSX JEWELRY. (M.1164781) lock lock AUSTRIA Vietnam 1872

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