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Total under 630622 global Supplier Data

Total product global trade data has found a total of 7 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 2 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

1 exporter and 3 Importer shipments are available in the application of Total product.

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6306220000 1. TENTS MADE OF SYNTHETIC THREADS - WEIGHT: 148 KG 2. PLACES 8, 8 CARDBOARD.BOX. 8. 000 11. 02 TOTAL NUMBER OF SEATS: 8 lock lock CHINA Uzbekistan 0 60 More Columns Available
6306220000 1. TENTS MADE OF SYNTHETIC THREADS, 2 PCS - WEIGHT: 2,818 KG 2. SEATS 1, 1 BOX ON A PALLET 8. 000 11. 02 TOTAL NUMBER OF SEATS: 1 lock lock CHINA Uzbekistan 0
630622 TOYS P.O.NO 233640 SI NO. 00063540 OH NO. 668273 ITEM NO. 605781A1DG DESC POPUP SUN SHADE ASSORTMENT LICENSED TOTAL CTNSPCS 1630 CARTONCTNS3260 EACH PCS HTS6306229030 TOYS P.O.NO: 233640 SI NO.: 00063540 OH NO.: 668273 ITEM NO.: 605781-A1-DG DESC: POP-UP lock lock CN, CHINA USA 3260
630622 TOYS P.O.NO: 233640 SI NO.: 00063540 OH NO.: 668273 ITEM NO.: 605781-A1-DG DESC: POP-UP SUN SHADE ASSORTMENT - LICENSED TOTAL CTNS/PCS:1630 CARTON CTNS/3260 EACH PCS HTS:630622903 0 lock lock CN, CHINA USA 1630
630622 TOYS P.O.NO: 233640 SI NO.: 00063540 OH NO.: 668273 ITEM NO.: 605781-A1-DG DESC: POP-UP SUN SHADE ASSORTMENT - LICENSED TOTAL CTNS/PCS:1630 CARTON CTNS/3620 EACH PCS HTS:630622903 0 TOYS P.O.NO: 233640 SI NO.: 00063540 OH N O.: 668273 ITEM NO.: 605781-A1 lock lock CN, CHINA USA 3260

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