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Terry towels under 630492 global trade Data

Terry towels product global trade data has found a total of 45 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 2 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 7 Importer shipments are available in the application of Terry towels product.

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19-Jan-2023 8501100000 SEWING MACHINE MOTOR
03-Jan-2023 1604160000 DRIED ANCHOVY1.5KG*1


18-Jan-2023 691200 STONEWARE
02-Jan-2023 940390 METAL FURNITURE(SOFA)

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Import Trade data of Terry towels

45 Import Shipments found from 2 importing Countries

HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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630492 670 CARTONS CONTAINING. 86 COTTON/14 POLYESTER TERRY TOWELS 100 COTTON TERRY TOWELS. QNTY. : 78120 PCS. INV.NO.: AI22230867 DT.04/11/2022 IEC NO.: 3393003003 SB. NO.: 5895070 DT.02/12/2022 ORDER NO.: 420526 HS CODE NO.: 63049250 NET WT: 10983.400 KGS PAN lock lock IN, INDIA USA 670 60 More Columns Available
630492 (1X40 HC FCL) 675 CARTONS (SIX HUNDRED SEVENTY FIVE CARTONS ONLY) 86 COTTON/14 POLYESTER TERRY TOWELS 100 COTTON TERRY TOWELS. (HSN CODE 63049250) (PCS 86448) S/B.NO. 5537723 DT. 17.11.2022 FREIGHT COLLECT INV.NO. AI22230627 DT. 21/09/2022 ORDER NO.420036 lock lock IN, INDIA USA 675
630492 1X40 HC CONTAINER 670 CARTONS : 86 COTTON/14 POLYESTER TERRY TOWELS 100 COTTON TERRY TOWELS. QNTY.: 115440 PCS. INV.NO.: AI22230903 DT.21/11/2022 IEC NO.: 3393003003 SB. NO.: 5938345 DT.05/12/2022 ORDER NO.: 420597 HS CODE NO.: 63049250 NET WT: 11424.300 lock lock IN, INDIA USA 670
630492 TOTAL: 534 CARTONS 100 COTTON TERRY TOWELS. QTY. : 17088 INV.NO.: AI22230763 DT.20/10/2022 IEC NO.: 3393003003 SB. NO.: 6409141 DT.24/12/2022 ORDER NO.: 658497008 658497007. REVMAN PO PUR0226735. HS CODE : 63049250 THC : PREPAID TOTAL PKGS 534 PK FREIGHT lock lock IN, INDIA USA 534
630492 HS630319 100% COTTON TERRY TOWELS PO#2000246119 REVMAN PO #PUR0226208 USHSAC1248511- 2860 PCS USHSAC1248586-1144S ET(2288PC) USHSBU1248516-1144 SET(2288PC) USHSAC1249075-115 0 PCS USHSAC1249089-460SET(92 0PC) USHSBU1249133-460SET(920 PC) USHSAC1249076-380 lock lock IN, INDIA USA 841

Export Trade data of Terry towels

0 Export Shipments found from 0 Exporting Countries

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