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Total under 621143 global Supplier Data

Total product global trade data has found a total of 9 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 2 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

2 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of Total product.

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621143 TOTAL CARTONS 1216 CTNS TOTAL G.W 13030.00 K GS TOTAL CBM : 63.87 UNISE X / WOMEN / PA NT & TOP HTS: 6211.43.1060, 6204.63 .9010 lock lock EG, EGYPT USA 1216 60 More Columns Available
621143 TOTAL CARTON: 1203 CTN (GA RMENT) TOTAL GW : 14200. 00 KGS TOTAL VOLUME :63. 23 CBM LADIES PANT 91% POLYESTER+9% SPANDEX H T S#6204.63.9010 LADIES T OP 91% POLYESTER+9 % SPAND EX HTS#6211.43.1060 PO#228813-2288 14-228815- 228816-228819-228820-40029 79-400 lock lock EG, EGYPT USA 1203
621143 TOTAL CARTON: 700 CTN TOTAL GW: 7260.00 KGS TO TAL VOLUME 35.74 CBM UN ISEX / WOMEN / PANT & TOP HTS: 6211.43.1060, 6211 .33.90 40, 6204.63.9010 lock lock EG, EGYPT USA 700
621143 TOTAL CTN : 346 (GARMENT ) TOTAL GW: 381 0.00 KGS TOTAL VOLUME :17.22 CBM LADIES PANT 91% POLYEST ER+9% SPANDEX HTS#6204 .63.90 10 LADIES TOP 91% POLYESTER+9% SPANDEX LADIES TOP 77% POLYESTER +20%RAYON+3% SPANDE X HTS #6211.43.1060 PO#4002970-4002974-4 00 lock lock EG, EGYPT USA 346

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