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Global Suppliers Data of 621020

621020 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 2079 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 8 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

89 exporter and 3 Importer shipments are available in the application of 621020 Hs Code.

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621020 JACKET HTS: 621020 lock lock SG, SINGAPORE USA 46 60 More Columns Available
621020 READYMADE GARMENTS MENS WOVEN CVC JACKET FAB : 100% POLYESTER STYLE NO: 5330 & 9403 PO NO: DDS 88973 & DDS 88976 STYLE NAME: RIVER & RILEY HS CODE: 6210.20.5029 & 6202.40.7000 QUOTA CAT: 634 & 635 MID: BDCENTEX2033DHA INV. CTAL/AGS/286/22-SEB DT: 07.12.20 lock lock SG, SINGAPORE USA 424
621020 MEN S WOVEN JACKETORDER NO: 0131627118ART NO : HF9182STYLE# TM5521F22INV NO: 80256862DATE:SEP-15-2022SALES CONTRACT NO: 4300010910DATE:02-FEB-2022EXP NO: 23000501/083635/2022DATE: NOV-21- 2022HS CODE- 62102050 lock lock SG, SINGAPORE USA 16
621020 MEN S WOVEN JACKETORDER NO: 0131627120ART NO:HF9188STYLE# TM5520F22INV NO: 80256853DATE: 15-SEP-2022SALES CONTRACT NO: 4300010910DATE:02-FEB-2022EXP NO: 23000501/084316/2022DATE: NOV-26-2022HS CODE- 62102050 lock lock SG, SINGAPORE USA 19
621020 JACKET HTS: 621020 lock lock SG, SINGAPORE USA 46

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