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Global Suppliers Data of 620920

620920 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 5331 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 13 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

454 exporter and 7 Importer shipments are available in the application of 620920 Hs Code.

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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620920 INFANT ; 80% COTTON 2% SPANDEX 18% POLYESTER 9 OZ DENIM WOVE N ; DENIMJEAN ; HTS# ; 62092 03000 82X53 9+12X16+70D 9.5OZ WOVEN PO# CARTONS NO OF PCS CBM NET WEIGHT (KGS) GROSS W EIGHT 693522 27 891 1.67 319.46 341.057 6929 63 6 180 0.31 52.65 57.450 6 9352 lock lock KE, KENYA USA 47 60 More Columns Available
620920 4-16;BOY ; 100% POLYESTER 215. 00 GSM FLEECE KNIT ; PANT ; HT S# ; 6103431540 6-24M; INFANT ; 100.0%COTTON CARDED 3 /1 S TWILL 20X16 128X58 7.2OZ/ YD2 WOVEN ; PANT ; HTS# ; 6209 203000 2T-5T;BOY ; 10 0.0%COTTON CARDED 3/1 S TWILL 20X16 128X58 7.2OZ/YD2 WO lock lock KE, KENYA USA 3673
62092000000 LAYETTE BUNDLES lock lock KENYA Uganda 494
62092000 CHILDREN JEANS TROUSERS 130PC, BABY WEAR 36PC lock lock KENYA South_Sudan 88.146
62092000 BABY WEAR 110PCS, BABY DRESS 108PCS BABY SWEATOR 10PCS lock lock KENYA South_Sudan 118.413

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