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Linen shirt under 620652 global trade Data

Linen shirt product global trade data has found a total of 18 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 5 Importer shipments are available in the application of Linen shirt product.

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Import Trade data of Linen shirt

18 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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620652 LADIES SHIRT SELF-SASH-BELTED BERMUDA PO NO: 0300577546 S TYLE NO: AW11454 FABRIC COMPO SITION: 100% LINEN HS CODE: 6206.52 INV NO: GSSL/2022/164 7 DT. 20-NOV-2022 EXP NO: 07 51-047489-2022 DT. 20-NOV-202 2 S/C NO: GAIL/GSSL/TJX/002/ 2022 DT. 18-AUG-2022 lock lock BD, BANGLADESH USA 200 60 More Columns Available
620652 LADIES SHIRT 3/4 SLV POPOVER W SIDE TIES PO NO: 0300577536 STYLE NO: AW07517 FABRIC CO MPOSITION: 100% LINEN HS COD E: 6206.52 INV NO: GSSL/2022/ 1641 DT. 20-NOV-2022 EXP NO: 0751-047471-2022 DT. 20-NOV- 2022 S/C NO: GAIL/GSSL/TJX/0 02/2022 DT. 18-AUG-202 lock lock BD, BANGLADESH USA 400
620652 LADIES SHIRT DRESS CALI FORAL 04 CAMP PO NO: 0300523422 S TYLE NO: AD22351 FABRIC COMPO SITION: 100% LINEN HS CODE: 6206.52 INV NO: GSSL/2022/170 4, DT. 29-NOV-2022 EXP NO: 0 751-048810-2022, DT. 29-NOV-2 022 S/C NO: GAIL/GSSL/TJX/0 03/2022, DT. 8-AUG-202 lock lock BD, BANGLADESH USA 300
620652 LADIES SHIRT 3/4 SLV POPOVER W SIDE TIES PO NO: 7000577549 STYLE NO: AW07517 FABRIC CO MPOSITION: 100% LINEN HS COD E: 6206.52 INV NO: GSSL/2022/ 1656-C, DT. 20-NOV-2022 EXP NO: 0751-047631-2022, DT. 20- NOV-2022 S/C NO: GAIL/GSSL/ TJX/002/2022, DT. 18-AU lock lock BD, BANGLADESH USA 384
620652 LADIES SHIRT TAPERED CUFF BTN FRT CAMP PO NO: 0300577547 STYLE NO: AW13169 FABRIC COMP OSITION: 100% LINEN HS CODE: 6206.52 INV NO: GSSL/2022/15 04 DT. 20-NOV-2022 EXP NO: 0 751-047425-2022 DT. 20-NOV-20 22 S/C NO: GAIL/GSSL/TJX/002 /2022 DT. 18-AUG-2022 lock lock BD, BANGLADESH USA 300

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