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Total under 620343 global Supplier Data

Total product global trade data has found a total of 44 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 3 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

8 exporter and 2 Importer shipments are available in the application of Total product.

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620343 P.O.#: 7876067 INVOICE NO: H SD-HUE22223 TOTAL Q TY: 7680 PCS TOTAL CTN: 640 CTNS 06- 98 WOVEN PANT HS CODE 6203 43 9020 - SHIPPING MARKS TARGET P.O.#: 7876067 DPC-I TEM#: 039063433 - 039063437 039063445 - 039063449 0390634 51 - 039063455 STYLE# : X2M7 lock lock VN, VIET NAM USA 640 60 More Columns Available
620343 DITTO P.O.#: 3122771 INVOICE NO: HSD-HUE22221 TOTAL Q TY : 32544 PCS TOTAL CTN: 2712 CTNS 06-16 WOVEN SHORT HS C ODE 6203 43 9040 - SHIPPI NG MARKS TARGET P.O.#: 3122 771 DPC-ITEM#: 039063126 - 0 39063130 039063132 - 03906313 6 039063151 - 039063155 039 lock lock VN, VIET NAM USA 2712
620343 STYLE#: 6WE7X C123 D41 6WE7X MEN S HEATHER GOLF SHORT HS CODE: 6203 43 9030 STYLE NO: 6WE7X TOTAL Q TY: 1, 848 PCS STORE P.O #: 1223961 TOTAL CTNS: 154 CTNS DPC-I TEM# QUANTITY 041111925 84 PCS 041111926 96 PCS 04111 1927 96 PCS 041111928 84 PC S 04111192 lock lock VN, VIET NAM USA 154
620343 P.O.#: 4706708 INVOICE NO: H SD-HUE22207 TOTAL Q TY: 20736 PCS TOTAL CTN: 1728 CTNS 0 6-16 WOVEN SHORT HS CODE 62 03 43 9040 - SHIPPING MARK S TARGET P.O.#: 4706708 DP C-ITEM#: 039063132 - 03906313 6 039063157 - 039063161 0390 63195 - 039063199 03906327 lock lock VN, VIET NAM USA 1728
620343 P.O.#: 5284070 INVOICE NO: H SD-HUE22208 TOTAL Q TY: 17285 PCS TOTAL CTN: 2241 CTNS 0 6-16 WOVEN SHORT HS CODE 62 03 43 9040 - SHIPPING MARK S TARGET P.O.#: 5284070 DP C-ITEM#: 039061893 039061895 039061896 039061897 03906 1898 039061900 039061901 03 90 lock lock VN, VIET NAM USA 2241

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