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Total under 611120 global Supplier Data

Total product global trade data has found a total of 201 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 2 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

18 exporter and 5 Importer shipments are available in the application of Total product.

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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611120 HS620290 HS611120 HS611020 HS6 11030 HS620343 HS610342 HS94 0490 100% LINEN WOMENS DRESS PO.NO : 2000602032 TOTAL CA RTONS:51 TOTAL QTY:390 INV N O: GE652072223 INV NO - GE/6 5207 INVOICE DATE: ST.JOHN TU T S BILL NO. - 6217519 S B D ATE: 2022-12-16 CONTA lock lock IN, INDIA USA 1344 60 More Columns Available
611120 878 CARTONS INFANTS 100% COT TON KNIT 3PC CARDIGAN, BODYSUI T & PANT SET HTS# 6111.20.60 20, CAT: 239 CRD DATE : 14-1 2-2022 ASN# 352380 TOTAL Q TY: 21072 PACKS PO NUMBER(S) :19014620 INV NO: INJJ-2390/ 352 CARTONS 100% COTTON KNIT TED BABIES GARMENTS BIB lock lock IN, INDIA USA 2119
611120 BABIES 3PK PANTS - KNIT 1PC 1 00% COTTON / 2PC 60% COTTON 4 0% RECYCLED POLYESTER HTS# 61 11.20.5000 DPC-ITEM # CTNS: 206052679 136 206054329 12 1 206057098 97 206058217 151 206058223 119 TOTAL CARTON S : 624 TOTAL PACKS: 7488 INVOICE NO.& DATE: INJJ-2361 lock lock IN, INDIA USA 624
611120 BABIES BASIC 2PC WAFFLE (TOP & PANT) SET - KNIT 60% COTTON 40% RECYCLED POLYESTER HTS# 6111.20.6020 DPC-ITEM # C TNS: 206051717 4 206054371 5 206055779 5 206057895 4 2 06059089 4 206059901 5 TOTAL CARTONS : 27 TOTAL PACKS: 324 INVOICE NO.& DATE: INJJ -228 lock lock IN, INDIA USA 27
611120 BABIES 2PC WAFFLE SNP - KNIT 2PC 60% COTTON 40% RECYCLED P OLYESTER HTS# 6111.20.6070 D PC-ITEM # CTNS: 206050203 120 206050219 120 206050240 148 206055139 110 206055443 157 206058846 148 206059139 157 206059989 110 TOTAL CAR TONS : 1070 TOTAL PACKS: 12 8 lock lock IN, INDIA USA 1070

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