Total product global trade data has found a total of 245 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 2 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
0 exporter and 4 Importer shipments are available in the application of Total product.
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HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
610711 | MENS OR BOYS UNDERPANTS AND BRIEFS COTTON KN 10PK 7PK BOXER BRIEF BRIEF TARGET PO 7723061 DEPT 217 HTS 6107.11.0020 STYLE YX15X, 64188 CASE PACK 12 DPC ITEM 217060486-0487, 217061095-1096, 217062690-2691 TOTAL QTY 10,464 EA OR | LK, SRI LANKA | USA | 872 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
610711 | MENS UNDER WEAR DEPART PO DPC-ITEM NO. STYLE (ILNA) QTY(PACKS) 40 9865524 040-05-1245 566560 2,976 40 9865524 040-05-1246 566560 2,616 TOTAL QTY; 5592 PACKS TOTAL PCS; 27960 PCS H.S CODE 6107.1100 FREIGHT COLLECT INCOTERMS FOB PAKISTAN NET WT 2457.94 KGS | PK, PAKISTAN | USA | 466 | |||
610711 | MENS UNDER WEAR DEPART PO DPC-ITEM NO. STYLE (ILNA) QTY(PACKS) 40 4596015 040-05-1245 566560 2,976 40 4596015 040-05-1246 566560 2,616 TOTAL QTY; 5592PACKS TOTAL PCS; 27960 PCS H.S CODE 6107.1100 FREIGHT COLLECT INCOTERMS FOB PAKISTAN NET WT 2457.94 KGS D | PK, PAKISTAN | USA | 466 | |||
610711 | MENS UNDER WEAR DEPART PO DPC-ITEM NO. STYLE (ILNA) QTY(PACKS) 40 4449354 040-05-1245 566560 2,976 40 4449354 040-05-1246 566560 2,616 40 4449354 040-05-1247 566560 252 TOTAL QTY; 5844PACKS TOTAL PCS; 29220 PCS H.S CODE 6107.1100 FREIGHT COLLECT INCOTERMS | PK, PAKISTAN | USA | 487 | |||
610711 | FREIGHT COLLECT 251 CARTONS 3523.025 KGS 20.589 CBM PO STYLE Q TY (PACK) Q TY (PCS) Q TY (CTNS) MEN S 100 COTTON KNITTED UNDERSHORTS A34M379273 NB4005 6,924 PACKS 20,772 PCS 251 CTNS HS CODE 61071100 G. TOTAL OF Q TY: 6,924 PACKS 20,772 PCS G. TOTAL OF CT | VN, VIET NAM | USA | 480 |
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