610510 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 10733 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 15 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
1092 exporter and 6 Importer shipments are available in the application of 610510 Hs Code.
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HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
610510 | 100 COTTON KNITTED MENS SS SHIRT,PACKED WITH POLO SHIRT PACKED HS CODE 61051020 | SG, SINGAPORE | USA | 448 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
610510 | TOTAL: 131 CTNS 7074 PCS ORDER NO. STYLE NO. MEN S 100% COTTON KNITTED SHIRT 4701574254 710907540 HS CODE: 610510 MEN S 100% COTTON KNITTED T-SHIRT 4701574258 710907541 HS CODE: 610910 CAT: 338 | SG, SINGAPORE | USA | 131 | |||
610510 | TOTAL: 100 CTNS 4498 PCS OF MEN S 100% COTTON KNIT POLO SHIRT PO NO. STYLE NO. 4701605384 710794932003 4701605384 710794932004 4701605386 710794932003 4701605386 710794932004 4701605388 710794932003 4701605388 710794932004 4701605389 710794932003 47016053 | SG, SINGAPORE | USA | 100 | |||
610510 | TOTAL: 104 CTNS 3348 PCS OF MEN S 100% COTTON KNIT POLO SHIRT PO NO. STYLE NO. 4701586928 710794932003 4701586942 711861149001 4701586944 711861150001 HS.CODE: 6105.10 | SG, SINGAPORE | USA | 104 | |||
610510 | 339 CTNS ORDER NO. ART.NO. MEN S 100% COTTON KNITTED SHIRT HS CODE : 610510 4701566354 710857181001 4701566354 710857181002 4701566354 710857181004 4701566354 710857181005 4701566354 710857181006 4701566354 710857181007 INVOICE NUMBER: 22MVPL0898 | SG, SINGAPORE | USA | 339 |
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