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Global Buyers Data of 5808900000

5808900000 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 311 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 10 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

1 exporter and 27 Importer shipments are available in the application of 5808900000 Hs Code.

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5808900000 1) ARTICLE 88417, WEBBING X/B WEBBING 90354 FOR LOOPS, 17 MM, COMPOSITION 100% COTTON, COLOR 1997 WHITE - 1 747 METER, 8.8 KG.: WEIGHT: 8.8 KG; 2) TYPE AND QUANTITY OF PACKAGING:1 BAG; 11) SIGN OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT:02 lock lock Uzbekistan BELARUS 0 60 More Columns Available
5808900000 1) ARTICLE 80107, BRAID X/B BRAID X/B, 10 MM, COMPOSITION 100% COTTON, COLOR 2233 15-6310 TLC OLIVE - 1 157 METER, 3.55 KG.: WEIGHT: 3.55 KG; 2) TYPE AND QUANTITY OF PACKAGING:1 BAG; 11) SIGN OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT:02 lock lock Uzbekistan BELARUS 0
5808900000 1) ARTICLE 89681, WEBBING X/B 17TP-X, 17 MM, COMPOSITION 100% COTTON, COLOR 1998 BLACK - 2,095 METERS, 10.55 KG.: WEIGHT: 10.55 KG; 2) TYPE AND QUANTITY OF PACKAGING:1 BAG; 11) SIGN OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT:02 lock lock Uzbekistan BELARUS 0

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