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5701909090 Trade Data from lithuania

5701909090 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 34 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

1 exporter and 4 Importer shipments are available in the application of 5701909090 Hs Code.

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Export Trade data of Hs Code 5701909090

6 Export Shipments found from 1 Exporting Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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5701909090 CARPET (80 X 120) , 4022PIGU0000001572 286CHL4483 CARPET (80 X 120) , 4022PIGU00001560 286CHL4507 ROAD (100 X 200) , 4022PIGU000000001572 286CHL5628, 402228628, 402288628, 40222PIGU000000001572 286CHL5628. 80 X 300) , 4022PIGU00000 lock lock Turkey LITHUANIA 113 60 More Columns Available
5701909090 4022PIGU0000001560 286CHL4483 HALI (80 X 120) ,4022PIGU0000001563 286CHL4483 HALI (80 X 120) ,4022PIGU0000001554 288NGR1872 HALI (160 X 230) ,4022PIGU0000001563 368HFT1364 YOLLUK (80 X 150) ,4022PIGU0000001563 368HFT1374 YOLLUK (80 X 150) , 4022PIGU000000 lock lock Turkey LITHUANIA 121
5701909090 CONDITION (100 CM) , CONDITION (120 X 180) , STATE (140 X 190) , STATE (160 X 230) , STATE (180 X 280) lock lock Turkey LITHUANIA 5
5701909090 4022PIGU0000001553 286CHL4483 HALI (80 X 120) ,4022PIGU0000001553 286CHL5628 HALI (150 X 240) ,4022PIGU0000001548 286CHL6751 YOLLUK (80 X 300) ,4022PIGU0000001547 288NGR1872 HALI (160 X 230) ,4022PIGU0000001549 288NGR1943 HALI (160 X 230) , 4022PIGU000000 lock lock Turkey LITHUANIA 231
5701909090 4022PIGU000000001541 113HBY0052 CHAIRS , 4022PIGU0000001541 113HBY0052 TABLE , 4022PIGU0000001541 113HBY0052 SEAT lock lock Turkey LITHUANIA 9

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