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Global Suppliers Data of 55151200

55151200 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 41 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 4 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

10 exporter and 2 Importer shipments are available in the application of 55151200 Hs Code.

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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55151200 POPELINES( 73*20 ROLL, 21*30ROLL ) 30YRD/ROLL lock lock UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Rwanda 5900 60 More Columns Available
55151200 LLJ.5422# & UPHOLSTERY FABRIC 55"" 34% VISCOSE, 33% POLYACRYLIC, 17% WOOL, 8% POLYESTER, 8% COTTON (14 YARD = 18.8593M2) lock lock UNITED STATES Vietnam 18.86
55151200 LLJ.5522#&UPHOLSTERY 55"" 54% OLEFIN, 44% POST CONSUMER RECYCLED POLYESTER, 2% POLYESTER (15 YARD = 20.2064M2) lock lock UNITED STATES Vietnam 20.21
55151200 LLJ.5622#&UPHOLSTERY 55"" 61% OLEFIN 37% COTTON 2% POLYESTER (18 YARD = 24.2477M2) lock lock UNITED STATES Vietnam 24.25

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