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Global Suppliers Data of 550921

550921 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 170 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 3 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

23 exporter and 2 Importer shipments are available in the application of 550921 Hs Code.

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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55092100 POLYESTER YARN - 16.00 KGS lock lock PAKISTAN SriLanka 16 60 More Columns Available
550921 40 PALLETS DESCRIPTIONS ITEM NUMBER P O # NE 14/1 CVC 90/10 HEATHER P-12 YARN HAC H5-9206 35465 NE 14/1 CVC 90/10 HEATHER P-1 2 YARN HACH5- 9206 35907 NE 14/1 CVC 90 /10 HEATHER P-12 YARN HACH5-9206 35907 NE 1 4/1 100% RAW COTTON CF YAR N GAAS5 359 07 NE lock lock PK, PAKISTAN USA 40
55092100 POLYESTER YARN - 1371.19 KGS lock lock PAKISTAN SriLanka 1371.19
55092100 POLYESTER YARN - 776.28 KGS lock lock PAKISTAN SriLanka 776.28
550921 ITEM NUMBER PO # N E 14/1 100% BLACK COTTON P DC-3004 YARN GAAS5-9205 35465 NE 14/1 100% BLA CK COTTON PDC-3004 YARN GAAS5- 9205 35465 NE 14 /1 CVC 90/10 HEATHER P-1 2 YARN HACH5-9206 35465 NE 14/1 100% RAW COTTON CF YARN GAAS5 35465 NE 14/1 100% R AW COT lock lock PK, PAKISTAN USA 40

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