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Global Suppliers Data of 54079200

54079200 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 818 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 3 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

134 exporter and 11 Importer shipments are available in the application of 54079200 Hs Code.

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54079200 183.#&SYNTHETIC FILAMENT WOVEN FABRIC - NYLON 190D, COATING, 1TONE, FDY 44"" LJ-C0005+PU 00A BLACK (2700 YD) lock lock VIETNAM Vietnam 2759.22 60 More Columns Available
54079200 183.#&SYNTHETIC FILAMENT WOVEN FABRIC - NYLON 190D, COATING, 1TONE, FDY 44"" LJ-C0005+PU 10A WHITE (3000 YD) lock lock VIETNAM Vietnam 3065.8
54079200 NM1.08#&MAIN FABRIC EM1723.02.12 POLYESTER 93% COTTON 7% WOVEN FABRIC W. 150/152CM lock lock VIETNAM Vietnam 583.55
54079200 1/4.79#&COTTON 90% NYLON 10% SPANDEX W: 60""/62 lock lock VIETNAM Vietnam 47.47
54079200 VCL.#&WOVEN FABRIC - TLN8B060 300G*54"" (100% POLYESTER), DYED (1182Y) 100% BRAND NEW, TKX: 305283639421 M5 lock lock VIETNAM Vietnam 1482.45

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