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Global Suppliers Data of 52103100

52103100 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 287 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 5 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

71 exporter and 10 Importer shipments are available in the application of 52103100 Hs Code.

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52103100 NL9.77#&DYE DYED PATTERNED WOVEN FABRIC, MIXED WITH SYNTHETIC FIBERS. 72% COTTON 22% NYLON 6% PU - 45"" SIZE 113 GSM lock lock KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Vietnam 2328 60 More Columns Available
52103100 118.# & FABRIC 79% COTTON 18% NYLON 3% SPANDEX 53'' lock lock KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Vietnam 25533
52103100 118.# & FABRIC 79% COTTON 18% NYLON 3% SPANDEX 53'' lock lock KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Vietnam 9873
52103100 424.#&COTTON WOVEN FABRIC, 79% COTTON 18% NYLON 3% SPANDEX, DYED, PATTERNED FABRIC, WEIGHT 143G/YD SIZE 51/53"" (33386YDS), 100% BRAND NEW lock lock KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Vietnam 41097
52103100 HN1.17# & FABRIC 52% COTTON 45% POLYESTER 3% POLYURETHANE, SIZE 57"", 280G/M2, WOVEN FABRIC, 100% BRAND NEW lock lock KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Vietnam 5776.51

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