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Global Buyers Data of 520942

520942 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 5369 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 21 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 7 Importer shipments are available in the application of 520942 Hs Code.

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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52094200000 FABRICS QA246K6-1 CYAN BLACK INDIGO K6 100PCT COTTON FULL FABRIC WIDTH: 59, CUTTABLE WIDTH: 57, YARDS: 40997.60 lock lock CHINA Philippines 372 60 More Columns Available
52094200000 WOVEN FABRICS SC22091573-REV.2 DF1449/KM 93% COTTON 6% ELASTERELL-P1% SPANDEX DENIM SLUB TWILL 102X60 12-12SBX16+(70D+50D) 51/52 9.90 OZ/SQ Y(336 GM/SQ.MT) FINISH: REGULAR COLOR: D252 BLACK OVERDYE BLACK YARDS: 19838.5 lock lock CHINA Philippines 179
52094200000 SC22091559-REV.2 EDS1301Q-BR43 99% COTTON 1% SPANDEX DENIM SLUB DOBBY 148X108 20+20SBX21+40D+10, 52/53 11.50 OZ/SQ Y (390GM/SQ.MT) FINISH: MERCERIZE COLOR: BR43 GREY YARDS: 28000 lock lock CHINA Philippines 289
52094200000 SC22091560-REV.2 EDS1301Q-S201 99% COTTON 1% SPANDEX DENIM SLUB DOBBY, 148X108 20+20SBX21+40D+10, 52/53 11.50 OZ/SQ Y (390GM/SQ.MT) FINISH: REGULAR COLOR: F1301Q S201 DOUBLE DK BLUE YARDS: 5289 lock lock CHINA Philippines 50
52094200000 98.8% COTTON 1.2% LYCRA WOVEN DENIM FABRIC WEIGHT: 12 OZ WIDTH: 54/56 YARDS: 25262.30 COLOR: INDIGO lock lock CHINA Philippines 209

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