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Global Suppliers Data of 520831

520831 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 189 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 5 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

56 exporter and 3 Importer shipments are available in the application of 520831 Hs Code.

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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520831 CARTONS CONTAINING 6203.42.4516 MENS PANT 100% COTTON WOVEN . PO STYLE 2510010294 B11-MDT IRB11-MDT 2510010307 B11-MOS IRB11-MOS 2510010308 B11-MOS IRB11-MOS 2510010309 B11-MOS IRB11-MOS 2510010495 B11-BLK IRB11-BLK 2510010512 B11-MDT IRB11-MDT 2510010513 lock lock NI, NICARAGUA USA 573 60 More Columns Available
520831 ROLLS WITH 19,605.25 YDS OF FABRIC 100% COTTON 88% COTTON 12% NYLON lock lock NI, NICARAGUA USA 111
520831 ROLLS WITH 20,851.00 YDS OF FABRIC 100% COTTON lock lock NI, NICARAGUA USA 130
520831 MEN SS 100% COTTON lock lock NI, NICARAGUA USA 594
520831 CARTONS CONTAINING 6203.42.4516 MENS PANT 100% COTTON WOVEN . PO STYLE 2510010293 B11-MDT IRB11-MDT 2510010299 B11-BLK IRB11-BLK 2510010305 B11-BRN IRB11-BRN 2510010306 B11-BLK IRB11-BLK 2510010300 B11-BLK IRB11-BLK 2510010015 B11-MOS IRB11-MOS 2510010295 lock lock NI, NICARAGUA USA 804

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