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5205140002 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 340 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
37 exporter and 0 Importer shipments are available in the application of 5205140002 Hs Code.
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340 Export Shipments found from 1 Exporting Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
5205140002 | 1. NE 32,5/1, 100% COTTON CARDED UNBLEACHED YARN FOR WEAVING. LOT 09 - WEIGHT: 21994.4 KG 2. 823 P/P BAGS 3. AMFU8831257 | Uzbekistan | CHINA | 0 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
5205140002 | 1. NE 32/1,100% COTTON YARN,CARDED,RING-SPINNING,WEAVING (PACKED IN BAGS OF 12 BOBBINS) - WEIGHT: 21001.68 KG 2. SEATS 926, 926 BAGS 3. YMLU8233743 TOTAL NUMBER OF SEATS: 926 | Uzbekistan | CHINA | 0 | |||
5205140002 | 1) 100% COTTON YARN RING FOR WEAVING NE 32/1, 765 BAGS, MANUFACTURER: GREAT COTTON EXPORT LLC UZBEKISTAN. - WEIGHT: 21496 KG, ; 2) 765 P/P BAGS; 3) CONTACT NO.:FSCU 6179470, QTY:1 | Uzbekistan | CHINA | 0 | |||
5205140002 | 1. NE 32/1,100% COTTON YARN,CARDED,RING-SPINNING,WEAVING (PACKED IN BAGS OF 12 BOBBINS) - WEIGHT: 21001.68 KG 2. SEATS 926, 926 BAGS 3. APHU6545730 TOTAL NUMBER OF SEATS: 926 | Uzbekistan | CHINA | 0 | |||
5205140002 | 1. NE 32/1,100% COTTON YARN,CARDED,RING-SPINNING,WEAVING (PACKED IN BAGS OF 12 BOBBINS) - WEIGHT: 21001.68 KG 2. SEATS 926, 926 BAGS 3. TGHU9248910 TOTAL NUMBER OF SEATS: 926 | Uzbekistan | CHINA | 0 |
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