40112019 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 336 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 4 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
2 exporter and 55 Importer shipments are available in the application of 40112019 Hs Code.
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67 Export Shipments found from 1 Exporting Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
40112019 | B3G.EB28Y#&ALL-STEEL RUBBER TRUCK TIRE, SAMSON BRAND, TIRE WIDTH: 435MM, RIM DIAMETER: 19.5INCH, (435/50R19.5-20 GL251T TL RC 160J SAMSON), 100% NEW# &VN | Vietnam | HONG KONG | 14 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
40112019 | 330.2002078-202211#&ALL STEEL RUBBER TIRES, BRAND EVERGREEN 445/45R19.5 160J 20PR ETL25, WIDTH 445 MM, RIMS 19.5 INCH, TRUCK TIRES, 100% BRAND NEW#&EN | Vietnam | HONG KONG | 20 | |||
40112019 | 330.2000836-202210#&ALL STEEL RUBBER TIRES, BRAND JINYU 445/45R19.5 160J 20PR JT560, WIDTH 445MM, RIMS 19.5 INCH, TRUCK TIRES, 100% BRAND NEW#&EN | Vietnam | HONG KONG | 40 | |||
40112019 | 330.2001035-202210#&ALL STEEL RUBBER TIRES, BRAND BLACKLION 435/50R19.5 160J 20PR BT188, WIDTH 435 MM, RIMS 19.5 INCHES, TRUCK TIRES, 100% BRAND NEW#&EN | Vietnam | HONG KONG | 8 | |||
40112019 | 330.2001597-202206#&ALL STEEL RUBBER TIRES, BRAND JINYU 425/65R22.5 165K 20PR JY598, WIDTH 425MM, 22.5 INCH RIMS, TRUCK TIRES, 100% BRAND NEW#&EN | Vietnam | HONG KONG | 20 |
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