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40094200 Trade Data from belgium

40094200 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 4406 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 22 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

8 exporter and 712 Importer shipments are available in the application of 40094200 Hs Code.

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Export Trade data of Hs Code 40094200

51 Export Shipments found from 2 Exporting Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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4009420090 323012081 HEATING WATER HOSE (EPDM PET EPDM) 516 (Ø8X16MM) , 323012121 HEATING WATER HOSE (EPDM PET EPDM) 1532 (Ø12X20MM) , 323012151 HEATING WATER HOSE (EPDM PET EPDM) 1932 (Ø15X23MM) , 323012171 HEATING WATER HOSE (EPDM PET lock lock Turkey BELGIUM 11019 60 More Columns Available
4009420090 427210080 FLAT HOSE (Ø8X15MM 1000MM) EPDM PEROX+KEVLAR , 427210120 FLAT HOSE (Ø12X19MM 1000MM) EPDM PEROX+KEVLAR , 427210150 FLAT HOSE (Ø15X222MM 1000MM) EPDM PEROX+KEVLAR , 4272 10180 FLAT HOSE (Ø18X25MM 1000MM) EPDM PEROX+KEVLAR , 4272102 lock lock Turkey BELGIUM 15634
4009420090 427817027 ELBOW HOSE (Ø22X30MM 150X150MM) EPDMAREPDM, 427817029 ELBOW HOSE (Ø28X37MM 200X200MM) EPDMAREPDM, 427817030 ELL WITH ELBER HOSE (Ø30X39MM 200X200MM) , 427817034 ELBOW HOSE (Ø40X49MM 300X300MM) EPDMAREPDM, 427 lock lock Turkey BELGIUM 739
4009420090 AUTO.RAD.HOR. (RUBBER HOSE) lock lock Turkey BELGIUM 890
4009420090 WATER ANALYSIS HOSE lock lock Turkey BELGIUM 3

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