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3920491000 Trade Data from spain

3920491000 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 272 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

5 exporter and 62 Importer shipments are available in the application of 3920491000 Hs Code.

Export Trade data of Hs Code 3920491000

23 Export Shipments found from 1 Exporting Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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3920491000 PVC KENARBANDI (PRIMER YAPIŞTIRICILI) PVCDA0503Q6040SOA888019*BEYAZ 19*0.40MM FINSA ANTISTATIC [507380.00 MT] , PVCDA0503Q6040SOA888022*BEYAZ 22*0.40MM FINSA ANTISTATIC , PVCDA0503Q6100SOA888019*BEYAZ 19*1.00 BUTE FINSA ANTISTATIC , PVCDA0503Q6040SOA888019*B lock lock Turkey SPAIN 8682.3 60 More Columns Available
3920491000 PVC KENARBANDI (PRIMER YAPIŞTIRICILI) PVCDA0503Q6040SOA888019*BEYAZ 19*0.40MM FINSA ANTISTATIC [507380.00 MT] , PVCDA0503Q6040SOA888022*BEYAZ 22*0.40MM FINSA ANTISTATIC , PVCDA0503Q6100SOA888019*BEYAZ 19*1.00 BUTE FINSA ANTISTATIC , PVCDA0503Q6040SOA888019*B lock lock Turkey SPAIN 8682.3
3920491000 PVC EDGE BAND (PRIMEER ADHESIVE , INK AND LACQUER USE) PVCDC4628CT040AOD141022 LINO NO: 1 TXC 22*0.40MM [55800.00 MT] , PVCDC4628CT080AOD143022 LINO NO: 1 TXC 22*0.80MM lock lock Turkey SPAIN 782.59
3920491000 PVC KENARBANDI (PRIMER YAPIŞTIRICILI) PVCDA0117Q6080AOA143022 BLANCO SERF 22*0.80MM [486377.00 MT] , PVCDA0117F2100AOA086225 BLANCO PORO FRESNO 225*1.00 MM , PVCDAD095C1040AOD089225 PANTONE 728C 225* 0.40MM , PVCDA0117C1080AOA143019 BLANCO LISO 19*0 lock lock Turkey SPAIN 14006.18
3920491000 PVC EDGE BAND lock lock Turkey SPAIN 161200

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