39204910 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 1484 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 7 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
51 exporter and 62 Importer shipments are available in the application of 39204910 Hs Code.
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HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
3920491000 | RİGİD PVC (RIGID PVC TRANSPARENT 230*675*840 MM) | Turkey | ITALY | 1415 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
3920491000 | RİGİD PVC (RIGID PVC TRANSPARENT 230*725*880 MM) | Turkey | ITALY | 2003 | |||
3920491000 | PVCDC5985Q8080AOB000022 KASTAMONU METALIK GRI 116 22* 0.80MM [806214.00 MT] , PVCDA0703C1040AKA000022 BEYAZ 22*0.40MM , PVCDC4052FZ040AKC000022 KASTAMONU CARMEN 0.40 MM , PRPDC0486UN040FKC000022 AGT KREM 22*0.40MM FOLYOSUZ , PRPDC0485UN040FKY000022 AGT | Turkey | ALBANIA | 12527.23 | |||
3920491000 | PVC KENARBANDI (PRIMER YAPIŞTIRICILI) PVCDAD569CR080ACD000350*CASHMERE GREY 350*0.80MM [24784.00 MT] , PVCDAD576CR080ACE000350*DIAMOND GREY 350*0.80MM , PVCDAD562CR080ACD000350*STONE GREY 350*0.80MM , PVCDAD645CR080ACC000350*SAND BEIGE 350*0.80MM , PVCDAD573CR | Turkey | RUSSIAN FEDERATION | 1923.79 | |||
3920491000 | PVC KENARBANDI (PRIMER YAPIŞTIRICILI) PVCDA0503Q6040SOA888019*BEYAZ 19*0.40MM FINSA ANTISTATIC [507380.00 MT] , PVCDA0503Q6040SOA888022*BEYAZ 22*0.40MM FINSA ANTISTATIC , PVCDA0503Q6100SOA888019*BEYAZ 19*1.00 BUTE FINSA ANTISTATIC , PVCDA0503Q6040SOA888019*B | Turkey | SPAIN | 8682.3 |
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