3920202900 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 147 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 3 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
1 exporter and 72 Importer shipments are available in the application of 3920202900 Hs Code.
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4 Export Shipments found from 1 Exporting Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
3920202900 | M58931 1281122 ELIZAR 900GR BODY COVER (108.3MM) , M58932 551222 ZORKA BODY, M58933 57001 10 BALLOV LID, M58934 8 VARIETY2120922 SILAPRO, 1280922 KPK 612, 7080822222, 0165888222, 0165888, 016588, 016588, 016588, 016588, 016588, 016588, 016588, 016588, 016588, 016588, 01658, 01658, 01658, 016588 ,, M58935 7 VARIETIES 70405213, 014131, 014123, | Turkey | RUSSIAN FEDERATION | 1700000 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
3920202900 | M58933 57001 10 BALLOV LID, M58934 8 VARIETY2120922 SILAPRO, 1280922 KBK 612, 7080822 KSK612, 014125, 016578, 016579, 016598, 016597,, M58935 7 VARIETIES70405213 , 015536, 015531, M58936 13 VARIETIES80405212, 71305212, 0144 | Turkey | RUSSIAN FEDERATION | 1449500 | |||
3920202900 | M58933 57001 10 BALLOV LID, M58934 8 VARIETY2120922 SILAPRO, 1280922 KBK 612, 7080822 KSK612, 014125, 016578, 016579, 016598, 016597,, M58935 7 VARIETIES70405213 , 015536, 015531, M58936 13 VARIETIES80405212, 71305212, 0144 | Turkey | RUSSIAN FEDERATION | 1449500 | |||
3920202900 | M58752 20411 KOROL STOLA STOLA CLASIC 1281122 ELİZAR 900GR BODY COVER COVER (108.3MM) , M58753 11 VARIETY 1301122, 18181022, 19181022, 19181022, 6181022, 8181022, 6051022, 6181022, 8181022, 6051022, 1191022, 2191022222, 119102222, 119102222, 11910222, 11910222 5171022, 12908222, 7051022, 805 | Turkey | RUSSIAN FEDERATION | 1188000 |
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