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3920104000 Trade Data from germany

3920104000 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 134 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 2 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

4 exporter and 33 Importer shipments are available in the application of 3920104000 Hs Code.

Export Trade data of Hs Code 3920104000

21 Export Shipments found from 1 Exporting Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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3920104000 601.02 170*BREDABEST 100% PVENA CHEESE NATUREL JETB 1180104444.601.02 171*BREDABEST 100% PZAAS NATUREL DETB 1308001422 lock lock Turkey GERMANY 83000 60 More Columns Available
3920104000 601.01.056*AURO PROF 11 LIME PAINT NO. 344 , 10L JETO+ 1108012541.01.057*AURO WALL COLOR NO. 321 JETO+ 110801252.601.02! FARMER TOBACCO RED SI BALANCE KNES & FAMMORE 8011399 , 601.02! 122*FLEROS lock lock Turkey GERMANY 66900
3920104000 601.02709*JWO GOODH GLİTTER 2L JET 35P 8005018 , 601.02534*SKANEMEJERIE SALAKİS GREEK YOG500 10% JETB8005074 , 601.02535*SKANEMEJERIE SALAKİS GREEK YOG500 10% DETB8005076 , 601.02536*SKANEMEJERIER GREEK LACTOSE FREE 500G JETB8005075 , 601.02 537*SKANEMEJ lock lock Turkey GERMANY 2120250
3920104000 601.01.055*SOUDAL FİX ALL FLOOR & WALL 4KG JHL 458012006 lock lock Turkey GERMANY 27500
3920104000 601.02709*JWO GOODH GLİTTER 2L JET 35P 8005018 , 601.02534*SKANEMEJERIE SALAKİS GREEK YOG500 10% JETB8005074 , 601.02535*SKANEMEJERIE SALAKİS GREEK YOG500 10% DETB8005076 , 601.02536*SKANEMEJERIER GREEK LACTOSE FREE 500G JETB8005075 , 601.02 537*SKANEMEJ lock lock Turkey GERMANY 2120250

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