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Global Buyers Data of 392010

392010 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 15880 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 30 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

8 exporter and 64 Importer shipments are available in the application of 392010 Hs Code.

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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3920102400 TRANSPARENT ROLLS OF STRETCH FOIL FOR PACKAGING FINISHED GARMENTS.- 12 PCS GUSTAV SCHRAMM GMBH/48204503000, CT K6/08 2 lock lock Uzbekistan POLAND 0 60 More Columns Available
3920102400 1. STRETCH-HUDSH_1050 FILM300/100 ROLL WIDTH, CM. 105; THICKNESS, MICRONS 100; TS 22408055-004-2022-WEIGHT 11201 KG. 2. TOTAL SEATS-33 (33 PALLETS) lock lock Uzbekistan RUSSIAN FEDERATION 0
3920102400 1)POLYETHYLENE FILM IN ROLLS - WEIGHT: 400 KG, ; 2)30 lock lock Uzbekistan TAJIKISTAN 0
3920102400 1. MACHINE STRETCH FILM (15 KG) OF THE BRAND POWUM 15 50 2179 1500 60 FIN TS 22408055002:2021-WEIGHT 900 KG. 2. TOTAL SEATS-1 (1 PALLETS) lock lock Uzbekistan RUSSIAN FEDERATION 0
3920102400 1. MACHINE STRETCH FILM (16 KG) OF THE BRAND POWM 20 50 1743 1500 60 FIN TS 22408055002:2021-WEIGHT 960 KG. 2. TOTAL SEATS-1 (1 PALLETS) lock lock Uzbekistan RUSSIAN FEDERATION 0

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